Scroll through and enjoy instructional and encouraging sermons of the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are blessed to have such wonderful teachers of the Word. We hope these messages bless your spirit. God Bless you!
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Scroll through and enjoy instructional and encouraging sermons of the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are blessed to have such wonderful teachers of the Word. We hope these messages bless your spirit. God Bless you!
There are a few reasons that we experience the feeling of emptiness around the holidays. Maybe we can help you with these two reasons.
The greatest of all answers to the suffering in the world is that God himself came to us. He entered our world and stepped into our suffering.
If you think God is mad at you, check this out!
God made Man, Man rejected God, God won't give up until He gets him back.
Our security is based in who God is. Psalm 95 lays it out beautifully.
It's natural for Christians to be thankful but nonbelievers don't understand.
Sometimes events happen in our lives that call us to action for the Savior.
Mary Magdalene is an tremendous example of a faithful believer. You will notice that your faith walk resembles her’s.
Whimsy means: Playful or fanciful behavior, something fanciful or odd.
There are many reasons why we should keep our sense of humor.
The word Angel can mean a messenger.
We all go through sorrowful times where people are watching us and God is going to use your situation to make an example for someone else that will make a difference.
"Elder' Richard Voltmer talks about todays events caused by man's ancient sins of the heart.
God's people are here to serve in this world. Where do we find the motivation to actually do so?
Death is not a very popular subject but when it is faced from the perspective of a believer in Jesus, it can be pretty appealing!
Understanding our part in spreading the message of Jesus to the people around us.
Visit one of our communion services.
In a world that is increasingly anti-Christian, we sometimes feel the need to protect ourselves and defend ourselves. Jesus had a different view.
We've been purchased twice.
There is so much imagery in our communion that is related to the Hebrew passover. It is a picture of what God is going to do with you. You have escaped judgement if you have accepted Jesus as your savior.
Be a real person in a broken world, not a broken person in an unreal world.
Guest speaker Rick Bosnick tells how the subtle Leaven of this world can work throughout our lives without us being aware.
Instead of trying to figure God out, He explains Himself to us in the Scriptures.
Remember the Lord who gives you the ability to make wealth.
Like ships for example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder.
The second Psalm gives us a prophetic picture of the kingdom of Jesus Christ being set up on Earth. It reveals the rebellion of this world and what God’s response will be to that rebellion. The last verse contains a beautiful invitation of trusting God and receiving his blessing.
We are all homesick for a place we've never been.
How to identify them.
How Jesus changed Peter and how he can change you.
The World says "Follow your wants" but Jesus said "Follow Me" and remove your bonds to be free.
That which can be yours because of the resurrection of Jesus.
To God's people, serving others is about a relationship with God, not recognition from others.
God has told us what we need to know about the Scriptures.
How to stand triumphant before the fire, in the fire, and after the fire.
Be effective.
You are his idea.
The true meaning of manhood.
Yes. 1000yrs B.C. Heartache, security, helplessness, competition, abuse, condescending judgmental, heartlessness.
1. Our Citizenship is in Heaven 2. We view problems differently 3. We have a Freedom. 4. We can Forecast. 5. We have a Footing
Love has many definitions but God's actions are for those who don't deserve it.
We don't do Christian things to be a Christian
He boldly provides us freedom from slavery
A Christain should use their experience to aid and guide younger people. Pray about everything.
It is very hard to make a go of it in the desert but God made a way proving the utmost difficulty is no challenge for him. He made flowing springs where there was none, He opened up the sea and made dry ground. Have faith in him for all things.